College Go! | Daniel Franzese | Yass You’re Amazing Comedy Tour

Yesterday was AWESOME!  As you know, we’ve held this event for 9 years and Daniel ranks as one of the friendliest and most interactive speakers we’ve had.  The students were in awe of him.  That’s the best way for me to describe their reaction.  His message was very inspiring and really hit home with the audience.  Did the meet and greet take a little bit of time? Yes.  Did it take time because Daniel made a personal interaction with each and every student? Absolutely.  Every student left with a smile on their face holding their autograph and looking at the picture.

On a personal note (this has nothing to do with his presentation) I thought it was so great that Daniel stayed the night last night in Vincennes.  He didn’t fly back to LA until this morning.  Past speakers have been eager to head home after their presentation, which is perfectly fine.  But he told me he wanted to take in the town, eat a local restaurants, and shop at local shops.  It just meant a lot to me that he wanted to explore where he was.

Daniel is a great, humble man and I would definitely recommend him to anyone that asked.  He made the day very special for all in attendance.

 I appreciate the relationship I’ve built with you and your company and look forward to future events.

With that said, I’m sure I’ll be in touch in December/January to begin planning College GO! 2019!!

Thank you so much!



Event organizer

College Go!

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